Friday, November 7, 2008

A Small Bit of Nothing

I've been reading quite a few blogs.

Well...quite a few is a variable understatement really. The list of wow related blogs I keep up on latley is stagering. And I know as soon as I'm back home, the reading will drop dramatically, and the writing should, hopefully, increase.

Untill then, I think I'll do a little spring cleaning. Re-furbish the addon links on the sidebar, as most of those are out of date, won't be working for WotLK, and I no longer use quite a few of them.

Maybe a clean up of the blog links as well.

Add a few things to the links links too.

I have to find something to keep my busy around here until I can get back on the Mage and continue finding things to write about. Until then, anything Magley on this forum would most likley be just theory and hearsay. I have no way of testing it, or experiencing it for myself.

So cleaning up the blog it will be.

We'll see how this goes.

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