Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'll be There....

Got Wrath, it's installed.

I'll be out there for the next few days.

If anyone (not that anyone reads this) here is on Guru, I'll see you there.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cleaned up the Addon List.

The old addon list over there was gettin' a little outa hand.

Cleaned it up with the new stuff I'm using now, most of which you can see in the attached screenshot.

More to come, if I can ever get home and delve into the Ex-Pack.

We'll see

Cleaned up the Addon List.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Fix to the AOE Post.

They have changed Blizzard. Completely changed the way frost AOE works. This small change to blizzard makes the frost AOE spec much easier to work with, and much more efficient.

Blizzard can crit.

This is certainly not a brand new thing. It's been in affect since the Echoes of Doom patch.

With the way blizzard works now, there is no reason to skip over some of the talents in Frost when specing for AOE.

The talent that used to be avoided...

This used to be a no no, because this would cause random mobs to be frozen into place too long as your group trudged towards their certain death. Not the case now. If you have Frostbite, then Blizzard will proc it, which will in turn make Shatter cause Blizzard to crit. The mob wont stay frozen long enough to break up your grouping, and it adds a serious amount of extra damage.

The new hotness

Finger of Frost
This is a new talent, we just got it in 3.0.2. Why is it good for AOE? Same reason that Frostbite is. This will give you a shatter with your Blizzard, without freezing the mobs in place.

Shattered Barrier
Some say that this is also a must have for AOE now as well.

My stand on it is that if your really AOE grinding, then being hit by all those mobs long enough the break your ice barrier, and get the free nova, is far too risky. When I AOE grind, it's never less that 20 mobs, which can still drop my pigtailed clothie butt really fast. i don't like being that close to the mobs that are supposed to be no where near me.

Chilled to the Bone
Once you can get to it, this is another very good AOE talent. Not for the increased damage, but for the 10% speed reduction. This combined with both Improved Blizzard and Permafrost add up to a 85% speed reduction to targets getting pummeled by your much improved Blizzard.

An oldie but a goodie

Ice Shards
Ice Shards is another good talent that might have been passed up before for a pure AOE spec. This will give 100% more critical damage to your Blizzard crits, which will happen a lot.

With these improvements, what do we end up with?

This spec at 70, for pure AOE.

And this spec at 80, again just for AOE purposes.

I went into the fire tree for the 80 spec to grab the increased crit to Blizzard, Cone of Cold, and Arcane Explosion.

Keep in mind that these are not a must, just a little tip from someone who has spent a lot of time researching this spec. As always, spec how you want, and make sure your having fun.

Its's your $15 right?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Looking Forward too...

There's a few things I'm really looking forward too in the expansion. Leveling isn't really one of them, although seeing new content and figuring out new quests is a source of enjoyment for me.

Leveling professions on the other hand. That I do enjoy. Seeing something that can be tracked step by step. Grinding enough cloth for one more Tailoring point. Not vending all the quest rewards I get, but disenchanting them to further another profession. This is one of my favorite parts of WoW. The profession system is very in depth, but not so much to the point of being overwhelming. I've seen other profession systems, like the one for EQ2. I would get lost in there. Not a clue what to do after awhile. Too many things to track.

And as much as I don't enjoy the process of leveling, I do love seeing that gold explosion at the end of every XP bar.

Now if I can just find a reason to ninja all the green or better drops from the wife as we're leveling together. She's a tailor and enchanter as well. And I don't really mind sharing cloth with her, as getting enough is never an issue. The DE mats get a little scarce if your sharing them though.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Small Bit of Nothing

I've been reading quite a few blogs.

Well...quite a few is a variable understatement really. The list of wow related blogs I keep up on latley is stagering. And I know as soon as I'm back home, the reading will drop dramatically, and the writing should, hopefully, increase.

Untill then, I think I'll do a little spring cleaning. Re-furbish the addon links on the sidebar, as most of those are out of date, won't be working for WotLK, and I no longer use quite a few of them.

Maybe a clean up of the blog links as well.

Add a few things to the links links too.

I have to find something to keep my busy around here until I can get back on the Mage and continue finding things to write about. Until then, anything Magley on this forum would most likley be just theory and hearsay. I have no way of testing it, or experiencing it for myself.

So cleaning up the blog it will be.

We'll see how this goes.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pre WotLK Plans?

Do we have any? No

Would we like to? Yes

I would love to hit 60 on Zuile (my newly started Enh Shaman) before the refer a friend bonus runs out. The wife and I started a couple new toons one night, and ended up really enjoy the classes we chose. So I rolled a shaman and she, normally the healer, or hunter, rolled a warrior. Which makes for a good leveling combo. She tried prot, and didn’t like that she couldn’t do any damage. Then tried Fury, and new from seeing a friend (EYK, whom I’ve mentioned before) play an arms warrior, new her numbers could be higher. So she tried arms, and that is where she’ll stay me thinks.

Don’t think this will become a shaman blog though. Might not find much shamaning in here either. Maybe if I had had the chance to play a little at 70 pre xpack, but that doesn’t look like it will happen.

We would also like to see the inside of BT, HS, and SWP. But, we probably wont get the change to do so before Wrath hits.

Oh well.

Did we completely miss the whole “Plagued zombies run around attacking everyone and you could become a zombie and attack your best friends” thing? Yup!

Are we a little angry about it? You bet. Sounded like fun.

But again. Oh well.

On another note; I did get to play with the new frost tree right before heading off the places unknown. And my official word on it is:


The new procs and rotations are far too much fun.

The new and improved Blizzard is way too much fun.

And being a frost mage and killing a rogue (I hate ’em) with an instant cast fireball is far too much fun.

Can’t wait to be able to put a whole 71 point tree together and make that fireball just that much nicer.

Little Ignite action. Not to mention Master of Elements.

Should be fun.

Please Allow me to Introduce Myself…

I really do love the Rolling Stones, even if they’re some of the roughest to play on Rock Band.

There’s an explanation for that title too, just a sec…

When I started this blog a few months ago, the idea was to have a place I could toss some good info into, vent a little, or just put some stuff out on paper. I never thought of how bad my personal life would affect me being able to blog. Or not blog as the case may be lately.

I doubt anyone reads this on a regular basis, and would be surprised to see that anyone does. Especially since I haven’t had the chance to update it.

So, as for a slight introduction;

I am in the military, the Navy in fact. I signed up for a few years to see how it would go, hopefully getting to see some of the world while I was at it. So far so good. I’m three years into a five year sentence. Yes, I said sentence. No the military is not evil. For some people it can do a lot of good. It’s even done a lot of good for me. I just don’t enjoy the politics involved.

I have seen more countries by the age of 22 than most people see their entire life. So I can’t exactly nock the whole travel aspect. Although it’s not the premier way to travel, it’s still gets you some places.

Now that you know the work I do, and considering the way I work (sometimes months at a time), it’s been rather though to post here. I pull out of home port, and I’m stuck on a horrible connection that has no way of getting to any blog hosting services. There are some more obvious reasons for that, and I understand them well enough, but it still sucks. So I’m going to try something new. I’m going to write these blogs up, and send ‘em to someone who might be able to post them for me. We’ll see how it works.

It might work, it might not. The most enjoyable part of blogging for me so far is seeing the end product. All posted with nice little links and matching the color theme of the rest of the site. So we’ll see how it goes.