Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's Been Awhile...

I really don't like Nickleback that much, the title just seems to fit.

So, little while from the last time I posted.

What's been new?

Quite a bit!

Gruul and Mag are officially on farm for Bada Bing, and we have step foot into TK!

Void Rever, is of course, cake, Solarian gave us some troubles.


Best advice I can give you for TK is pay attention. If your not aware of whats around you, or on you, you can easily kill yourself or the whole raid.

Did we kill our raid? Of course not! We knows what we're doin!! Did a few Bada Bing'ers kill the raid? One or two.

But that progression, and it happens. Tier five shoulders went out to a few including our MT and MH. Gratz to them.

We even tried fire for a while.

GASP!!! Fire you say? Teh Sunrath going back to fire?


We tried it, it sucked. Still doing good damage, but just didn't seem as much fun. And fireball is a very long cast. I don't remember it being that long. But it was. We did hit pretty hard with those Pyro's though. About 4k non crit, and well into 5.5-6k crits. That was fun. And we crit ALOT!!!!! switched out our frost gear, and we we're promptly at 36% unbuffed, with 980 fire damage.

Not the best, but damn fun.

Not fun enough though.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I DEMAND more posts!!!! NOW!