Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maulgar and Gruul Down

So the guild did Gruul's, and it was a success. Quite a few of us had been in there before, but for some it was the first time, and for a few thier first time in something larger than a 10 man.

2 Mage shoulder tokens droped, but we got neither, we did pick up the pants though.

The stats are to show the DPS I'm doing still gem'd out for haste, still need to do the dailys for some re-gemming cash. Even as higher DPS and lower damage out, the Mage did really well on Maulgar. Spent a lot of time running from cave in's, or ice blocked cause some of the newer folks were running to close.

4 tries for Maulgar, and 2 for Gruul. T4 token's were had, everyone happy.

Good run in all,

Gratz Bada.

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