Monday, June 16, 2008

Guild Woes...


The Grull run didn't happen. As much as people were talking about it, there weren't enough signed up. No go for the 25 mans.

We've had a massive influx of people in the last couple of weeks. A guild on our server broke up over some drama, and we have assimilated quit a few of the suddenly guildless individuals. As such, there has been a little "non drama". Some people getting adjusted to our loot rules, and how newer people are on a trail basis for a couple weeks.

I'm still leveling the priest, she's 51 now, and I have plenty of time to go.

Can't wait till the wife gets back.

The Healadin is off of leave, and back in town, so maybe I can get him to try his hand at posting soon. He really has some good stories, which I think he should share.

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