Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pre WotLK Plans?

Do we have any? No

Would we like to? Yes

I would love to hit 60 on Zuile (my newly started Enh Shaman) before the refer a friend bonus runs out. The wife and I started a couple new toons one night, and ended up really enjoy the classes we chose. So I rolled a shaman and she, normally the healer, or hunter, rolled a warrior. Which makes for a good leveling combo. She tried prot, and didn’t like that she couldn’t do any damage. Then tried Fury, and new from seeing a friend (EYK, whom I’ve mentioned before) play an arms warrior, new her numbers could be higher. So she tried arms, and that is where she’ll stay me thinks.

Don’t think this will become a shaman blog though. Might not find much shamaning in here either. Maybe if I had had the chance to play a little at 70 pre xpack, but that doesn’t look like it will happen.

We would also like to see the inside of BT, HS, and SWP. But, we probably wont get the change to do so before Wrath hits.

Oh well.

Did we completely miss the whole “Plagued zombies run around attacking everyone and you could become a zombie and attack your best friends” thing? Yup!

Are we a little angry about it? You bet. Sounded like fun.

But again. Oh well.

On another note; I did get to play with the new frost tree right before heading off the places unknown. And my official word on it is:


The new procs and rotations are far too much fun.

The new and improved Blizzard is way too much fun.

And being a frost mage and killing a rogue (I hate ’em) with an instant cast fireball is far too much fun.

Can’t wait to be able to put a whole 71 point tree together and make that fireball just that much nicer.

Little Ignite action. Not to mention Master of Elements.

Should be fun.