Thursday, June 12, 2008

Things to come...

Few things in the pipeline...

Bought a new computer, or the parts at least, and am waiting on just the case now. It's gonna be tasty. 3GHz Quad Core, two nVidia 9800's, 4 GBs of RAM, and a couple TB's of space...can't wait.

Gonna try and organize a decent "About Me" to put up on here...

Gonna try and get the healadin I mentioned in my first post to stop by and explian how Blizz handles Power Leveling Services. It's an awesome story.

The Wife is back in the states, and I have the house to myself for 18 more days. can someone say a 70 shadow priest? I can.

The guild is attempting our first 25 man on sunday, I think we're all a little over geared to be in our first 25 man, but we have been working on getting enough people for a little while. Well, now we've got 'em. Gruul, here we come...

I just picked up the Spellstrike Hood, and it's got me thinking about the pants too, and maybe the Belt of Blasting while I'm at it. They aren't huge upgrades, but they'll keep my spell hit up, and allow me to be a little more free with my gems. What am I thinkin' when I say a little more "free".


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